Proper Field Care for Your Trophy

Proper Skinning
Skinning Instructions for a Shoulder Mount:
*Make incision on belly to breastbone. *Next make a “Y” incision on the backside of each front leg to the knees. (As shown on blue line.)
*Carefully skin down towards head, leaving approximately 5” of neck meat.
(Used in measuring size of neck.) Cut neck meat and bone at this point leaving skin attached. *Cut excess hide. (As shown on red dotted line.)
*Place caped deer in a plastic bag and freeze.
*If a freezer is unavailable pack on ice and keep in shaded area out of direct sunlight. Deliver ASAP during our regular business hours.
Life-size Mounts: We offer a skinning service at our facility. This insures proper cuts will be made and measurements taken.
*Skin all life size animals ventral (belly, backside of legs). Do not skin dorsal (down back). Any life size animals skinned down the back will be charged an extra 10% of the life size price.
These instructions are basic instructions when modern facilities are available. If you are hunting in remote regions where conveniences are not available contact us in advance for detailed instructions.
Important CWD info:
Basic Information:
If you harvest the trophy of a lifetime, but find us closed on the weekend – no worries! Follow these basic tips until you are able to deliver your trophy to us.
Deer – The goal is to keep your deer as cold as possible. If you have access to a freezer, wrap your deer in a heavy plastic garbage bag and freeze it until you are able to bring it to us. If you do not have a freezer, wrap your deer head in a plastic bag, put it in a cooler and pack with ice. Again, your goal is to keep it as cold as possible.
Bear – Field dress the bear. Do not attempt to skin the bear if you are in doubt of the proper way to skin it. Your goal is to keep the hide cool. Store it in a cool place. Fill the chest cavity with ice. Lay ice bags on and around the bear. Cover with a tarp until you can bring it to us on Monday.
Small Game such as Fox, Bobcat or Coyote – DO NOT FIELD DRESS. Wrap the animal in a heavy-duty plastic bag and freeze it whole. If you do not have access to a freezer, wrap the animal in a heavy duty plastic bag and put it in a cooler filled with ice until you are able to deliver it on Monday.
Fish – Take length and girth measurements. Photos and weight are helpful. You can release your fish for someone else to catch or for you to catch again, as all of our fish are fiberglass reproductions. They look so real that you cannot tell the difference!
***Please give us a call on Monday morning to schedule a time to bring in your trophy. Trophies kept on ice need to be delivered ASAP the first part of the week. We look forward to seeing you!***
We accept these fine credit cards
Knight's Taxidermy
7329 Arctic Blvd.
Anchorage, Alaska 99518
(907) 344-5501 Our Location